Three Top porn sites to focus more on new tougher EU safety regulations

The European Union on Wednesday added three pornographic websites to its list of online platforms that are large enough to come under tougher safety regulation. These adult sites are Pornhub, Stripchat and XVideos. The EU’s legal landscape regarding online content, particularly pornography, is constantly evolving. While there haven’t been any major, groundbreaking notices issued recently, here’s a brief overview of the current state of affairs:

EU Regulations on Pornographic Content:

E-Commerce Directive: This directive regulates online marketplaces, requiring them to remove illegal content promptly upon notification. This applies to pornography if it’s deemed illegal, such as child sexual abuse content.

Audiovisual Media Services Directive: This directive regulates audiovisual content, including on-demand services. It requires platforms to implement age verification measures for pornographic content and to have effective complaint procedures.

Recent Developments:

Germany’s age verification law: In 2021, Germany implemented a strict age verification law for accessing pornographic content. This has been met with criticism from privacy advocates and the pornography industry.

EU Commission’s Digital Services Act (DSA): The DSA, which is still under development, aims to combat illegal content online, including child sexual abuse content and non-consensual pornography. It’s expected to come into effect in 2024.

Challenges and Concerns:

Balance between freedom of expression and content regulation: Striking a balance between protecting users from harmful content and upholding freedom of expression is a major challenge.

Effectiveness of age verification measures: The effectiveness of age verification measures in restricting access to pornography for minors is debated.

Privacy concerns: Some age verification systems raise concerns about user privacy.


The EU is taking a proactive approach to regulating online pornography, with a focus on protecting children and vulnerable users. However, concerns remain about the potential impact on freedom of expression and user privacy. It’s an ongoing discussion with no easy solutions.

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